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    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?


    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Sam 30 Juin 2007 - 15:39

    Sera t'elle capable de faire face à une armada occidentale ?

    Nombre de messages : 149
    Date d'inscription : 23/03/2006

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  XR-71 Sam 30 Juin 2007 - 21:21

    Le seul risque probable est qu'ils s'attaquent à des navires civiles (pétrolier) et qu'ils minent le détroit d'Ormuz afin de provoqer une crise mondiale de l'énergie.
    La flotte américaine n'investira pas le golfe arabo-persique à cause des Silkworm et des attaque suicides à partir des embarcations rapides bourrées d'explosifs.Elle se tiendra à distance dans l'océan indien.les attaques aériennes arriveront à partir des portes-avions,des bases dans les pays arabes du golf,peut-etre de Turquie et d'ailleurs.
    Les navires iraniens sont anciens,manquent de pièces détachées donc peut opérationnels.
    En fin de compte,à part gener le traffic internationnal,ils ne pourront pas faire grand chose face à un adversaire plus puissant et qui possède la suprématie aérienne.

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 0:09

    Il est vrai que la marine iranienne est depassée, elle ne dispose plus de moyens consequents, notamment pour faire face aux armada occidentales (la marine US est la plus grande par son tonnage), les iraniens n'ont que de fréles embarquations pour faire respecter leurs eux territoriales. On donne de part et d'autre des indications disant qu'elle dispose de plusieurs centaines de petites embarquations capables de faire des coups de force, certaines par attaque au missile (quel type ???), d'autres avec des torpilles, certaines disposent seulement de mitrailleuses lourdes (12.7mm/23mm maxi). Au vu de ce qui s'est passé au Liban l'an dernier (terrain d'experimentation pour l'Iran et la Syrie), il semble evident que la defense iranienne repose avant tout sur les missiles terre-mer, je pense que XR a raison, les forces navales US ne se permettrons pas d'approcher trop prés des côtes, aussi elles ferons tout pour securiser les zones de debarquement s'il y a lieu, cela par attaque de Fuel Air Bombes (deja fait en Irak !!!), attaque aérienne et heliporté. La grande force des Etats-Unis étant leurs monstrueux Porte-Avions (ils pourraient en concentrer 3 à 6 dans la région), c'est de ces batiments que partirons les attaques aériennes vers les principales bases aériennes du sud-pays iranien. Il y a aussi les pays du golfe qui comme à leur habitude ouvriraient leur espace aérien à oncle sam, sauf si certains ont peur qu'un jour l'Iran leur garde rancune et qu'il parviendra à ses fins en réalisant l'arme supreme et là ces petits pays hesiterons à autoriser des troupes US à faire de l'attaque à partir de leur sol...

    Je viens de pensez à une chose, on s'attend à une attaque US contre l'Iran dans les cinq ans à venir, mais qui nous dit que cette guerre ne soit occulter par une intervention au Venezuela, ce petit pays semble devenir de plus en plus une épine dans le pieds de Washington,aujourd'hui même il s'est prononcé contre le radar en Republique Tcheque, les americains supporterons t'ils longtemps qu'un etat americain se rebelle contre leur suprematie absolue ? Le coup de force de Grenade dans les années 80 nous montre que les americains detestent avoir un ennemi sur leur continent chasse-gardée...

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Orig
    La marine iranienne dispose10 Thondar armés de missiles chinois C-802...


    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 13:20

    Etat des forces navales Iraniennes (Dossier Iran Military Forum) :


    1 x Mowj Class, Iranian Navy, Iranian built
    3 x Alvand Class, Iranian Navy, British built.
    1x Hamzeh Class, Iranian Navy, Dutch built
    2 x Bayandor Class, Iranian Navy, US built (gun armed, not illustrated)

    Corvette classe Alvand
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Alvand10

    Quantity in Service: 3
    Displacement: 1,540 tons full load
    Dimensions: L 94.5m, W 11.7m, Dr 3.25m
    Crew: 135
    Speed: 40kt
    Powerplant: 2 x Gas Turbines 23,000 shp plus two diesels 1900hp
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x 114mm Gun, 1 dual 35mm (manned) 3 x (manned) GAM-BO1 20mm cannon, 1 x Limbo ASW mortar (may be inoperable), 2 x triple 12.7mm lightweight torpedoes (Alvand only), 2 x 12.7mm HMGs (manned).

    Of 1960s vintage, the remaining Alvand class corvettes have been partially rearmed most crucially with the generally capable C-802 anti-ship missile in place of the obsolete Sea Killer missiles.

    Sensor fit and air defences are very poor by contemporary standards and the survivability of these boats in open conflict is seriously open to doubt.

    Corvette classe Moudge (Mowj):
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Mowjsi10

    Quantity: 1
    Displacement: 1,400 tons
    Dimensions: L 94m, W 10m, Dr 3.25m (Actual dimensions may be almost exactly as per Alvand)
    Crew: ??? (est 100+)
    Speed: 28kt
    Powerplant: 2 x 10,000hp diesels
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x 76mm Gun, 1 CIWS (20mm, indigenous?), 1 x dual AAA (35mm?), 2 x triple 12.7mm lightweight torpedoes
    Helicopters: Landing pad only

    Also commonly spelt Mowj and Mowaj, this indigenous corvette is essentially a reverse engineered Vosper Mk 5 (Alvand Class, see above). It has several Iranian adaptations, most significantly a purely diesel power pack which results in a significant drop in performance.

    Another conspicuous difference is the addition of a helipad on the aft deck, requiring a repositioning of the anti-ship missiles to amidships. Above the bridge is what appears to be a CIWS similar to the US 20mm Phalanx. However at the rear of the ship the AAA appears to be a twin turret, possibly manned 35mm as on the Alvand class. The main gun is a reverse engineered OTO Melara 76mm automatic, an excellent general purpose medium gun albeit somewhat behind the current OTO Melara versions.

    Unlike most contemporary corvettes, the Moudge does not feature a radar signature reducing hull form. In all fairness the air defences appear to be a significant improvement over the Alvands, but still someway short of the current norm for warships this size.

    The Moudge does not appear to have an ASW sonar.

    Corvette classe Hamzeh
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Joshan10

    Quantity: 1
    Displacement: 580 tons
    Dimensions: L 52m, W 7.65m, Dr 3.25m
    Crew: ??
    Speed: 15kt
    Powerplant: 2 x 1,300hp diesels
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x main gun (20mm?), 2 x 12.7mm manned heavy machine guns

    Originally the Government Yacht, the Hamzeh has been modified to carry C-802 anti-ship missiles and light defences. Main role probably remains training. The boat operates in the Caspian Sea alongside the SINA missile boats. Confusingly the first widespread pictures of her post-refit where accompanying an Iranian press article announcing the entry into service of the SINA type “corvette” Joshan, causing some confusion as to this boat’s identity. The pennant number appears to have changed also.

    Despite a popular press photo showing an AB-212 helicopter, the Hamzeh does not appear to have a helipad.

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 13:35

    FAST ATTACK CRAFT (Missile/Torpedo)

    Operational Units:
    6 Kaman Class, Iranian Navy, French Built. (10 hulls)
    10 Thondar (Houdong) Class, IRGC-N, Chinese built.
    2 SINA Class, Iranian Navy, Iranian built (1 hull awaiting fitting out)
    10 IPS-18 Tir Class, IRGC-N, North Korean built
    10 IPS-16 Peykaap Class, IRGC-N, North Korean built
    3+ Taedong-B/C class(s), ????, North Korean built
    10 (est) C-14 “China Cat” class, ????, Chinese designed (locally built)

    IPS-18 Tir Class Fast Attack Craft (Torpedo)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Stealt10

    Quantity in Service: 10
    Displacement: 28.16 tons
    Dimensions: L 21.12m, W 5.77m, Dr 0.87m H 2.1m
    Crew: 6
    Endurance: 450nm
    Speed: 52kt
    Powerplant: 3 x 1200hp
    Armament: 2 x 533mm (21”) torpedo tubes, 1 x manned 12.7mm HMG

    Of North Korean origin, these innovative small fast attack boats are clearly designed with radar cross-section reduction in mind. A retractable radar mast further enhances their ability to hide amongst the clutter of small fishing boats and otherwise inconspicuous minor radar reflections. The stealthiness does not extend to the infrared spectrum though, with raw exhausts venting out of the rear of the boat. Nor is the only defensive weapons position well thought out in this regard, being a single pedestal mounted 12.7mm heavy machine gun which is externally crewed.

    In the right circumstances these boats represent a serious threat, but they have limited sea keeping, endurance and sensors thus limiting their combat potential in a wider conflict.

    They are potentially armed with Shkval rocket torpedo (range about 6-8km), or the Iranian YT534W1 modern heavyweight torpedo (estimated range about 20-30km), but quite possibly employ very basic unguided torpedoes.

    IPS-16 “Peykaap” Fast Attack Craft (Torpedo)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Peykaa10

    Quantity in Service: 10
    Displacement: 13.75 tons
    Dimensions: L 16.3m, W 3.75m, Dr 0.67m H 1.93m
    Crew: 3
    Endurance: 320nm
    Speed: 52kt
    Powerplant: 2 x 1200hp
    Armament: 2 x 324mm (12.75”) torpedo tubes, small-arms

    Delivered from North Korea though often claimed as indigenous, the Paykaap is easily perceived as the little brother to the Tir class (see above) because it has similar origin and overall characteristics but is smaller and lighter armed.

    It appears to have stealth characteristics although little attention has been paid to the IR spectrum. The torpedo tubes are mounted on either side of the cabin in a stealthy fairing. The slight bulge on top of the torpedo tubes is probably the compressed air cylinder used to eject the torpedo from the tube, and its position makes it very possible that the torpedo tubes are exactly the same as those on the Taedong-B (illustrated above).

    The small size, high speed and low radar signature make this type a potent adversary, but it lacks any meaningful self-defence weaponry should an enemy attempt to engage it. Its lightweight torpedoes are probably inadequate to sink most warships.

    Semi-submersible Fast Attack Craft

    Quantity in service: 3 (est)
    1 x Taedong-B “Kajami”
    2 x Taedong-C “Gahjae”

    Iran is reported to operate a small number of North Korean designed Taedong-B and Taedong-C semi-submersible attack craft delivered in 2002. At least one such boat, thought to be a Taedong-B “Kajami”, has been publicly displayed during war-games. This appearance substantiates previous media reports but beyond that much remains speculation.

    Both types are believed to be equipped with lightweight 324mm (12.75”) torpedoes. Typical torpedoes in this size class have a range of between 6km and 10km. It is extremely unlikely that these boats will be refitted with the larger Shkval rocket torpedo or anti-ship missiles.

    It is not clear whether the attack profiles of these boats is to lay in wait submerged and then attack at high speed on the surface, or vice versa to approach at high speed then submerge for the final stage of the attack. The boats can probably dive to about 3m depth using a snort mast which remains on/near the surface. The vessel is probably capable of about 40kts on the surface and about 10kts submerged.

    Classe Taedong-B (information à prendre avec des pincettes) :
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Taedon10

    It is reported that the Taedong-C class closely resembles the Peykaap class torpedo boat, and it may be that the Peykaap is itself the submersible boat, although that seems unlikely.

    Although these boats offer some novel tactical opportunities for Iran, they are unlikely to be successful if operating against larger warships armed with their own anti-submarine torpedoes, or fast moving targets. The lightweight torpedoes are unlikely to sink even a modest warship although obviously a successful attack could immobilize even a large warship.

    “China Cat” Fast Attack Craft (Missile)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Chinac10

    Quantity in Service: 10 +
    Displacement: 19 tons
    Dimensions: L 13.65m, W 4.8m, Dr 0.7m
    Crew: 10
    Endurance: 300nm
    Speed: 55kt
    Powerplant: 2 x 1150hp
    Armament: 4 x TL-10 or C-701 Kowsar light anti-ship missiles, 1 x manned cannon (20mm?)

    10 C-14 missile armed catamarans were ordered from Chinese manufacturer CSSC in 2002, with local production. At least one vessel has been completed in a non-missile configuration and the type is offered in the Iranian defence industry’s export catalogue. The missile equipped boats appear to differ in detail from the CSSC demonstrators with a different (lesser) sensor fit.

    The C-701 missile is of Chinese origin though manufactured under license in Iran. It has a 20-25km range and can be TV or Radar guided, making it ideal for littoral combat.

    Many reports indicate that the China Cat may employ the Chinese supplied TL-10 anti-ship missile instead of the C-701 described above. The two missile types are generally similar in overall size and capability, albeit different designs. Both come with a range of seekers and minor sub-versions tailored to specific customer needs.

    The boats pack an enormous punch for their size and have apparently superb sea keeping for their size (though by no means ocean going vessels), but their air defence is conspicuously lacking.

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 13:47

    SINA Class Missile Boat

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Sinasi10

    Quantity: 2 (plus 1 building)
    Displacement: 300 tons
    Dimensions: L 47m, W 7m, Dr 2m
    Crew: ??? (est 31)
    Speed: 35kt
    Powerplant: 4 x 3,500hp diesels
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x 76mm Gun, 1 40mm AAA (crewed), 2 x 12.7mm HMG (crewed)

    The first SINA class boat, Peykan, became operational in 2006 followed by a second unit, Joshan. Reverse engineered Combattante-II (Kaman class) boats the only obvious external difference is the main radar.

    The 76mm is a locally produced version of the OTO-Melara 76mm gun fitted to the Kamans.

    Kaman Class Missile Boat
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Kamans10

    Quantity in service: 6 (est). (10 total hulls still available)
    Displacement: 275-300 tons
    Dimensions: L 47m, W 7m, Dr 2m
    Crew: 31
    Speed: 36kt
    Powerplant: 4 x 3,500hp diesels
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x 76mm Gun, 1 40mm AAA (crewed), 2 x 12.7mm HMG (crewed).

    Delivered from France and previously equipped with US supplied Harpoon missiles, these boats were re-armed with the Chinese C-802 missile in the late 1990s. 10 hulls remain but only 6 are thought to be operational. One has been used for tests, being at one time equipped with Standard SM-1 missiles.

    Thondar Class Missile Boat
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Thonda10

    Quantity in service: 10
    Displacement: 205 tons
    Dimensions: L 33.6m, W 7.6m, Dr 2.7m
    Crew: 28
    Speed: 35kt
    Powerplant: 3 x 8,000bhp diesels
    Armament: 4 x C-802 “Noor” anti-ship missiles, 1 x twin 30mm AAA, 1 x twin 23mm AAA (crewed)

    Often referred to by their Chinese name, Houdong class, these boats were delivered from China in the mid 1990s, and are operated by the IRGC-N.

    Small craft, often based on civilian speed boats. Lightly armed with machine guns, MRLS, AAA, RPG or mines.

    MIG-G-0900 (Boghammar)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Bogham10
    Quantity: 20
    Displacement: 6.4 tons
    Dimensions: L 9.3m, W 3.45m, Dr 0.6m
    Crew: 3
    Endurance: ??
    Speed: 25kt+
    Powerplant: 2 x 1260hp
    Armament: Typically 1 x 12.7mm HMG and 1x12 107mm rocket launcher (MRLS).

    Typically of locally produced small boats that have been adapted for warfare, often being labeled as “Boghammars”. The MIG-G-0900 is reportedly a catamaran, and comes in several variants including a mini-passenger ferry. The military/paramilitary version is typically equipped with a 107mm MRLS.

    The MRLS is probably the Iranian produce “Haseb”, a derivative of the Chinese designed Type-73 which has an effective range of 8.5km and has a HE-Fragmentation warheads. The rocket weighs 18.8kg rocket including the 8.3kg TNT warhead (or 6.4kg blast –fragmentation warhead), which produces a 12.5m blast radius. A 12 round salvo is fired in 8 seconds. It is not known whether the weapons mount is gyrostabilised for accuracy – if not accuracy would likely be appalling.

    Alternative armaments include RPG-7 rocket propelled grenades or 106mm recoilless rifle.

    These boats have an advantage in their small size and relative similarity to civilian types allowing them to hide among legitimate civilian fishing fleets. However their weapons are too light to be a serious concern to military vessels.


    Operational Units:
    3 x Kilo Class SSK, Iranian Navy, Russian built (not illustrated)
    3 x Ghadir class SSC, Iranian Navy (?), Iranian built
    1 x Nahong class SSM, Iranian Navy (?), Iranian built
    1 x Al Sabehat 15 SDV, Iranian Navy (?), Iranian built

    Ghadir Class Midget Submarine
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Ghadir10

    Quantity in Service: 3
    Dimensions: L 29m, W 2.75m
    Displacement : 120 tons dived
    Crew: ?
    Endurance: ?
    Speed (est): 11kts surfaced, 8kts submerged
    Powerplant: Diesel-electric
    Armament: 2 x 533mm (21”) torpedo tubes with 2~4 torpedoes, Skhval rocket torpedoes or 4~8 mines. Possibly submarine launched anti-ship missiles but unsubstantiated.

    Possibly of North Korean design, the Ghadir (Qadir) submarine closely resembles the North Korean “Yugo Class”, itself a derivative of Yugoslavian (now Croatian) types. One noteworthy feature is that the Ghadir appears to have conventional cruciform tail fins. Estimates of the size of this submarine vary greatly.

    These boats are credible littoral submarines well suited to mine laying, infiltration/Special Forces operation and limited anti-surface warfare. Their torpedo tubes could conceivably carry the Shkval rocket torpedo or even submarine launched anti-ship missiles which Iran reportedly has. But their sensor fit is almost certainly basic by contemporary standards limiting their potential against other subs and advanced warships. There is also no reason to suppose that they are particularly quiet and the shallow water of the Gulf is likely to leave them exposed to anti-submarine warfare.

    Nahong Class midget submarine
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Nahong10

    Quantity in service: 1

    A small midget submarine suited to mine laying and special operations with possible limited anti-ship strike capability. Armament is likely to consist of mines carried externally although it is possible that 533mm torpedoes could also be carried in this manner as is the case with similar submarines in WW2.

    Mines could include the potent Chinese designed EM52 fast rising rocket mine which can be laid in deep water, attacking its target by firing a rocket up into the underbelly of the ship, so fast that evasive action is unlikely. The EM52’s rocket is unguided and is less sophisticated than some equivalent top-end naval mines, but it does offer Iran a serious threat to enemy shipping.

    Believed to be operational in Caspian sea but not verified.

    ”Al Sabehat 15” Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (Submersible)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Minisd10

    Quantity in service: 1(?)
    Length: 8m
    Crew: 2 + up to 7 additional divers
    Weapons: up to 17 Limpet mines

    A small “chariot” design typical of special forces insertion vehicles, the type is only suitable for coastal operations.
    Can be launched from a ship or under-slung from a large helicopter (Sea King, Mi-8 Hip or Chinook).

    "Attack Submersible-X"
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Sdv2gk10

    Quantity in Service: ? 1
    Dimensions: L 7m
    Weight: (est) 3 tons (armed)
    Crew: 2
    Weapons: 21" (533mm) heavyweight torpedo, possibly type YT534W1

    Recently paraded, this two man "wet sub" has a notch out of the bottom suggesting that it is designed to carry a single heavyweight torpedo semi-recessed. The two crew members use frogman apparatus. The clear nosecone appears to be for the driver to see where they are going when underwater, presumably crouched inside the hull. The small forward control planes are probably hand operated by the driver.

    An interesting craft, it is not clear how the crew aim the torpedo with any degree of accuracy except at very short ranges.


    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 14:09

    Forces terrestres servant à la Marine :

    SHORE BATTERIES (Anti-Ship Missile)

    Operational Units:
    100+ C-802/C-802A Noor
    100+ HY-2 “Silkworm”
    ?? C-701T/C-701R “Kosar”
    ?? TL-10 “Kosar” (possibly only ship launched units)
    ?? Ra’ad, Iranian designed

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Missil10

    C-802/C802A Noor
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? C802si10

    Range: 120-180km
    Maximum number of missiles per launch vehicle: 3
    Vehicle: Truck

    Iran deploys C-802s using a Chinese designed truck launcher with up to three missile boxes which are fired over the left side of the trailer. A command shelter is mounted forward of the missile turntable. The truck itself may be locally sourced, possible an Iveco.

    The C-802 family is the most potent of Iran’s anti-ship missiles being credited with generally good anti-jamming capabilities and high hit probability.

    Third party targeting and mid-course update is required to hit targets over about 60km away.

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? C701vt10

    Also romanised “Kowsar”, this name refers to several short ranged anti-ship missile types of Chinese origin that Iran is producing. Clearly Iran is producing versions of both the C-701 and TL-10 families of missiles. Both types come in both TV and Radar seeker versions, with Infrared seekers rumored.

    Both have generally similar capabilities although the C-701 is longer ranged and its radar version, unlike the TL-10 radar version, can accept post-launch re-targeting.

    The TL-10 is thought to be employed on the China Cat missile boats whereas the C-701 has been showcased as a shore battery system in recent wargames. Both families are capable of shore, ship, helicopter and jet launch.

    C-701R quad launcher mounted on Iveco truck
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? C701si10

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Raadsi10

    Range: 360km
    Maximum number of missiles per launch vehicle: 1
    Vehicle: Tracked

    Developed from the HY-2 “Silkworm”, the Ra’ad (Thunder) is Iran’s first truly indigenous anti-ship missile in the minds of many observers’. Although China has developed turbojet versions of the HY-2 family, this missile does not resemble them.

    It is launched from an HY-2 launcher suggesting backwards compatibility with the obsolete HY-2. The turreted launcher in question is identical to North Korean ones.

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Hy2vra10

    The missile is claimed to have a 360km range which, given its huge fuel capacity, seems reasonable. Some estimates suggest that it is mildly supersonic but I think that’s unlikely. Another observation is that the missile is not radar stealthy (not that many are) – just pre-empting the claims that some might make. The large radome suggests an active-radar seeker.

    HY-2 “Silkworm”
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Silkwo10

    Range: 95km
    Maximum number of missiles per launch launcher: 1
    Vehicle: Truck or trailer, possibly some tracked launchers

    An old missile supplied by China and subsequently locally produce, the HY-2 is still in widespread service with the IRCG, in both trailer and truck mounted launchers. Despite the useful range and huge warhead, the HY-2 is relatively slow and high flying making it easier to see and shoot down.

    Camion Lanceur :
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Silkwo11


    Dernière édition par le Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 15:44, édité 2 fois

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 14:16

    Appui Aérien aux Forces Marines :


    Air Force (IRIAF)
    32 x Su-24 Fencer, strike bomber, Russia

    35 x F-4D/E Phantom-II, multi-role fighter, USA
    10 x Mirage F-1, ground attack fighter, France (ex-Iraqi)

    Iranian Navy
    10~13 x SH-3D Sea King, helicopter, USA (28 delivered)
    ?? x Mil Mi-17 Hip (Naval), helicopter, Russia

    12 x AB212, helicopter, Italy
    3-5 P-3C Orion, maritime patrol aircraft, USA

    Su-24 Fencer / Noor
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Fencer10

    Quantity in service: about 30. Not all may be upgraded to accept the Noor anti-ship missile
    Missile: Possibly C-801K, or maybe a later version based on C-802.
    Substantiation: Widely reported since mid-late 1990s, hard proof of capability remains elusive.

    The Fencer is a very capable strike jet with credible avionics, well suited to maritime strike. If reports that it is operational with Noor anti-ship missiles are true then this represents are relatively potent capability.

    Mil Mi-17 ‘Hip’ / Noor
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Mi17no10

    Quantity in service: ?
    Missile: C-802 Noor

    At least one test launch has been publicized, but operational status unclear. The Noor missile fitted to the Mi-17 is a modification of the ground launched version normally fired from a box launcher. This means that the launch booster and the pop-out folding fins are retained. An advantage of retaining the launch booster is slightly longer range and the ability to fire the missile at very slow speed or hover, but the down side is a rather heavy missile that must exist the helicopter very calmly to ensure that the fins don’t hit the fuselage or pylons when they pop-out split seconds after launch.

    SH-3D Sea King / Sea Killer (Fajr-e-Darya)
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Sh3dhc10

    Type: Light short range anti-ship missile, helicopter launched
    Range: Approx 20km
    Guidance: Electro-optical
    Speed: Mach 0.8

    The Italian designed Sea Killer anti-ship missile was supplied to Iran with the Vosper Mk5 corvettes but was withdrawn from service in the early 1990s (replaced by C-802). However the type resurfaced in the late 1990s as the indigenous Fajr-e Darya programme, reborn as a helicopter launched missile. The programme is thought to have benefited from Chinese assistance, sometimes described by the Chinese designation FL-6. Although the missile has been paraded publicly in recent years, and seen mounted on Iranian Navy SH-3D Sea King helicopters, it seems to have been eclipsed by the Chinese C-701 and TL-10 missile types (see Kosar above).

    The missile closely resembles the Italian Marte Mk2 missile because they are both derived from the Sea Killer. The European missile uses an active radar seeker and is generally more capable.

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 15:15

    Comme le montre ce clip, l'Iran dispose également d'au moins 3 bataillons d'Infanterie de Marine, leur rôle est de repousser une quelconque invasion maritime, faire des coups de force dans le Golfe Persique, attaquer des positions ennemis...

    L'Iran dés la fin de la guerre contre l'Irak (1988) a commencé à mettre en place une industrie militaire, vingt ans plus tard on estime à 50 000 personnes travaillant dans ce secteur, l'Iran achete des licences de production pour certains équipements (Exemple avion "Iran 140" qui peut êtres transformé en patrouilleur maritime => en Projet ) mais essai surtout de lancer une production nationale :

    - Overcraft (Licence Russe ou Chinoise ) :

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Iran-war-games-hovercraft-afp-bg

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? 12boatb

    Les Iraniens disposent de plusieurs centaines de petites embarcations, ils comptent dessus pour mener des operations Coup-de-Force qui viseraient à détruire de gros batiments ennemis (Torpille, Missiles ) ou a harceler les navires ennemis (Mitrailleuses lourdes, RPG-7/9/29, SPG?...)

    Détroit d'Hormuz, une veritable souricière !
    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Iran_s10

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Mm3
    Thondar avec C-802 Chinois + petite embarcation Pasdaran (Mitrailleuse lourde 12.7mm)

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Pic03
    Iran-140 destiné à devenir Patrouilleur Maritime

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Iran_power0916
    L'Iran a acquis 3 Sous-marins "Kilo" d'origine russe

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? 172518_orig
    Mini Sous-marin (operations speciales et peut-être lancement de petites torpilles )...

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Iranmissle
    Experimentation Attaque Missile à partir d'embarcations légères...

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? C802-001

    L'Iran a acheté beaucoup de missiles côtiers, il peut parfaitement bloquer le Détroit d'Hormuz, le danger pour lui viendrait du ciel (raids d'helicos et d'avions )...
    Il faut montrer sa force pour éviter d'avoir à s'en servir...

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? 330naval100202

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? C802b
    Le C-802, une copie chinoise de l'Exocet français...

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Iran_flying_boat
    L'Iran travaillerait sur des avions de type Ekranoplan miniatures

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? 01015296-c-802
    Le C-802, technologie la plus évoluée chez les iraniens pour l'heure a un radar actif, il recherche lui-même sa cible aprés illumination initial, il peut donc s'averer terriblement dangereux pour les navires adverses...


    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 16:27

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Onion_news3066.article

    Sur l'image du haut, prise lors d'un defilé militaire iranien, on voit qu'apparement Teheran s'est fourni en missiles russes trés évolués, sur l'image il apparait que ce soit un Kh-31 (AS-17 Krypton en code OTAN) !!!

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Kh-31

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Ats20721_ma-31
    Le Krypton peut être tiré à partir de Su-24 et de Su-25 Frogfoot NG !

    AGM-88 HARM Compare

    Total length 5.232 m
    Diameter 0.36 m
    Wingspan 0.779 m
    Weight 600 kg
    Warhead Weight 90 kg
    Maximum Speed 1000 m/s
    Maximum effective range 70 km (Kh-31P 110 km)
    Guidance mode Active Radarhoming

    propulsion: integral rocket booster with ramjet
    sustainer (4-inlets disposed around
    the body, 12° AOA limit)
    First seen: Dubai 1991
    length: Kh-31A mod 1 4.7 m. (15.42 ft.)
    Kh-31A mod 2 5.23m. (17.17 ft.)
    Kh-31P mod 1 4.7 m. (15.42 ft.)
    Kh-31P mod 2 5.23 m. (17.17 ft.)
    span: 1.15 m. (3.77 ft.)
    diameter: 30.96 cm. (12.19 in.)
    weight: Kh-31P @ 650 kg (1433 lbs)
    Kh-31A @ 600 kg (1323 lbs.)
    warhead wt: 90 kg. Blast Frag. (198 lbs.)
    range: Kh-31A mod 1 @ 05 to 50 km. (3 to 31 miles)
    Kh-31A mod 2 @ 05 to 69 km. (3 to 43 miles)
    Kh-31P mod 1 @ 10 to 150 km. (6 to 93 miles)
    Kh-31P mod 2 @ 10 to 200 km. (6 to 125 miles)
    profile: considered to high cruise 40,000 ft. @ 5.0 Mach
    launch alt: 165 to 49,200 ft
    speed: 2.9 Mach with terminal impact speed of >1.0 Mach
    aircraft: MiG-27, MiG-29/33, Su-30/33/34/35,
    Su-25, Su-24, Su-22
    exports: Cuba (1992)

    Max launch range, km 50
    Launch weight, kg 610
    Warhead weight, kg 90
    Warhead type penetrating
    Guidance system independent, active radar
    Guidance accuracy (CEP), m 5 - 8
    Propulsion system ramjet
    Average flight speed, m/s 600 - 700
    Trajectory type combined
    Overall dimensions of missile
    (length x diameter
    x fin span), m 4.7 x 0.36 x 1.005

    Missile à moyenne portée, doté d'une tête de recherche active, ce missile peut causer des dégats mortels aux navires qui s'aventureraient dans le Golfe Persique !

    Nombre de messages : 2938
    Date d'inscription : 31/08/2005

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

    Message  Thor Dim 1 Juil 2007 - 17:19

    Le gros problème pour l'Iran sera qu'il doit faire face à trois types de menaces :

    - Attaques aériennes (certainement massive) : Avions, missiles...
    - Attaque de Sous-marins US et Brits (missiles ...)
    - Porte-Avions géants de l'US Navy

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? CVN%20-%2068_02S
    Les Etats-Unis disposent d'une flotte impressionnante de PA Nucléaires

    Il est extremement difficile de faire couler un PA Nucléaire, il dispose de plusieurs couches de protection (missiles internes, artillerie, avions assurant sa propre defense), il est toujours accompagné d'un groupe aéronavale assurant sa protection Air, Mer, ASM, ils participent également à son ravitaillement et à sa logistique...

    Flotte Aéronavale :

    Les americains disposent de nombreux chasseurs sur leurs PA, ils disposent également plusieurs avions de veille aérienne E-2C (portée radar de 500/650km !!!).

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? USS%20Nimitz
    Les Porte-Avions assurent des moyens de projection immenses à la Marine, ils recelent dans leurs cales des moyens de devastation massif tel des charges nucleaires !

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Nimitz
    Invisibles, il y a toujours des Sous-Marins nucléaires qui accompagnent le groupe aéronavale, ils veillent à ce qu'aucun SM ennemi ne vienne roder trop près du CVN, souvent c'est des SM d'attaque à propulsion nucléaire.

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Cvn
    Les CVN de l'US Navy sont de veritables îles flottantes, des milliers de marins et de soldats grouillent dans leurs entrailles !

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? DCP00480%20Fuel%20Air%20Explosive%20l
    En dépait des conventions internationales, les forces americaines n'hesitent pas à utiliser des bombes FAE (Fuel Air Bomb), causant la mort de tout être vivant sur une vaste zone (La bombe aspire l'air et l'oxygene de la zone de combustion ! ), armes prohibés mais utilisées lors de la guerre du Golfe I !!

    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? FAE6
    Effet d'une bombe FAE...


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    Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ? Empty Re: Que vaut la Marine Iranienne ?

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